Hello Bravehearted Beauties! How’s your heart on this mid-February Sunday? Are you feeling a Valentine’s high…a Valentine’s low? Or maybe it’s hard to say because you’re feeling the tension of two very different emotions at once? If that’s the case, you’re in a deeply good place. Stay there for a minute and see if you can allow opposing emotions to share space in your heart. It’s hard to do, but I think there’s a gift for us in this place of tension.


What if embracing opposing emotions leads to a more abundant life?

Would you risk it?

I used to think the goal in life was to embrace the “good” emotions and avoid the “bad” ones. I never imagined you could hold both in your heart at once, much less feel more alive doing it. {Sounds crazy just saying it!} The reality is, this world is full of inevitable tension: beauty and brokenness, joy and pain, failure and success…the list goes on and on. And the truth is, it’s all good if it produces a more whole, healed heart in us. Though it doesn’t always feel good at the time. Feeling things deeply can really hurt.

But here’s the crazy thing that happens as you learn to let the “low” feelings rise up and mingle with the “high” ones: you begin to experience life on a whole new level. At first it feels out of control, unstable and uncomfortable, but then you start tasting the fruit of it, and you can’t possibly go back to your old ways. As you learn to hold opposing emotions, your heart’s capacity enlarges so that you can feel things more deeply, love people more freely, and enjoy life more fully. And while it may hurt at times, I promise it’s worth it! That’s a shocker coming from a girl who once prided herself on being emotionally “even keel.”


I’ll be honest, there are days I wish I could be more even keel…just so I could avoid feeling the deep ache that comes with living on this side of heaven. But do you know what being emotionally even keel means? It means you get to keep yourself “safe,” but you miss out on deep joy and abundant life. Yes, you can still experience lots of goodness, but not at the depths God intended. Being emotionally even keel also means you might get to keep sadness, pain and depression at bay or at least hidden beneath the surface, but you miss out on feeling deeply delighted in, deeply celebrated, deeply enjoyed and deeply loved…by God and by others.

For me, being emotionally even keel meant I rarely cried or acknowledged my pain, but it also meant I wasn’t a safe place for others in their pain. Looking back, I can see that I was living life from a distance…and keeping others at a distance, too. Oh, I longed for close friendships and deep intimacy, but I had no idea how to risk my heart enough to give or receive the things I really wanted in relationship. And on the few occasions when I risked my heart, it hurt too much for my even keel heart to bear.


There are pieces of my story {and yours} that explain why remaining emotionally even keel was the safest place for a time. It provided self-protection from life’s hurts. Embracing opposing emotions wasn’t an option for an even keel girl. And that’s okay. Today, I can look back at the girl who kept her emotions in check and her heart guarded and feel compassion toward her. Tenderness has taken the place of harsh judgement and self-contempt. And today, when I see a woman trying hard to keep her life on an even keel, all it takes for me to feel tender toward her is to remember…I know how it feels. Empathy is a powerful thing. {Watch this clever animation featuring Brené Brown to see what I mean.}

Today, I’m learning to embrace the full spectrum of emotions…usually more than one at a time and often in tension with each other. And Lord knows, there’ve been lots of opportunities to do that in the last two and half years! {Our big move cracked me wide open, and farm life has caused every kind of opposing emotion to surface.} Today, I rejoice in the fact that a few years of salty tears have eroded my wall of self-protection. And yes, I’m tempted to put a new brick up every now and then, but it doesn’t stay there very long before the next flood of tears, or the next discovery of beauty in brokenness, dissolves the once rigid and inflexible mortar around my heart.


And would you believe that I’ve gone from one who was afraid to cry, who prided herself in not crying, to one who loves to sit with people in their tears? I no longer fear tears; I welcome them as a doorway to a more whole and healed heart. Only broken, hurting things can be healed. And only cracked open places can let love flow down into the depths.

And the vulnerability that comes through tears? It’s a holy, sacred space that creates intimacy and connection like no other. If a friend cries in my presence, I consider it a privilege to sit with her in that place…to honor her tears, her story, her beautifully exposed heart. Because I’m no longer afraid of my own pain, I can be present with others in theirs. That feels like a real gift.


I just keep surprising myself. And maybe that’s what letting go of an even keel life is all about! Even this post is a surprise. It’s not what I expected to write today…not that I knew what I was going to write when I sat down. Usually, I just start writing and see what comes of it. I hope that giving you a glimpse into what embracing opposing emotions has looked like for me will encourage you as you tiptoe, stumble, dance or run in that direction.

Deep down, I’ve often had this burning question when it comes to hard things: what’s the point? I used to hate that I had that question, but today, I think it’s a good one. What’s the point of learning to embrace opposing emotions and to feel things more deeply, especially when we know it will hurt at times? MORE LIFE. More of what we were created to enjoy. More of the John 10:10 promise! {That post is an oldie but a goodie; sometimes I forget how long I’ve been writing this way.}


Here’s what I want you to know today: I’m with you, Bravehearted Beauties! You’re not on this emotional roller coaster called life all alone. We get to be on this ride together.

So how about we throw our hands up and say YES to more life today?!?! Even if it feels crazy and out of control? We can squeeze each other’s hands as we lift them up and squeal or scream or laugh or cry our way through this wild ride.

Saying YES TO LIFE with you,

Linsey signature 100pix


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14 years ago today, God released His very own songbird into this world. When I look into her ocean deep eyes, I sometimes feel like I can see straight through to heaven. She’s a beautiful image bearer of the One who made her.

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When God puts a song in Hallie’s heart, she writes it. And every now and then, a few of us get to listen. It feels like listening to something straight out of heaven…so authentic and pure. She’s had a few months of guitar lessons and has spent some time with our friend and neighbor, who just so happens to be this incredibly talented musician {amazing story for another time}. But other than that, she’s just a girl with a guitar doing what God made her to do.

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I haven’t shared any of her songs in years, but you can’t hide the gifts of God forever. They’re meant to be shared so that more of heaven’s glory can be seen here on earth. Hallie wrote this song for my 40th and sang it at our neighbor’s house last weekend, but today, on her 14th birthday, I think God wants to sing these very words back to her.

My sweet Hallie girl, I hope you hear the angels sing on your day!


You were made with the breath of love.


Happy 14th birthday to my brave and beautiful songbird!


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P.S. This morning, God gave me the idea of looking at every 2:4 in The Bible {since 2.4 is the day she was born}. Some of the verses weren’t exactly birthday blessings, but I loved this words in Song of Solomon 2:4. His banner over you is love.


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  • Amanda Burkett - Happy Birthday to your darling!!!! Hallie reminds me so much of you, and you of her–both beautiful daughters of the King!!!ReplyCancel

  • paige - happy birthday to your beautiful song bird!ReplyCancel

  • Sherry - Awesome! And this makes me want to look up all my boys birthdays this way! Thank you for sharing!ReplyCancel

  • Beauty Emerged From Broken » Bravehearted Beauty - […] been waiting all week to share a new song with you. Written by God’s very own songbird. I don’t say that because she’s my daughter. I say it because her words are inspired by […]ReplyCancel

In Super Bowl language, 40 feels a bit like halftime. As a former athlete and sports lover, I could take that ball and run with it, drawing comparisons all day long. But this isn’t a sports blog, and pep talks aren’t what we really need. Perspective and skin in the game…living and learning. That’s what matters most.

I think one of the greatest gifts the second half of life offers is the opportunity to live more fully and authentically. It’s not about winning or losing; it’s about becoming more of who God made us to be and living freely from that place of true identity.

But sometimes we need a little encouragement along the way, so I thought I’d share a few books that will invite you into a more authentic and abundant second half:


Falling Upward


Becoming Myself


The Relational Soul


Daring Greatly


Abba’s Child

I’m sure these books are great for any season of life {Abba’s Child rescued me almost 20 years ago}, but they speak especially well to my freedom loving 40-year-old self! The trick to reading all these words at 40: glasses! I’m finally admitting that I need them; now I just need to wear them!

I’d love to know: what books are inspiring you right now? 

Happy weekend!

Linsey signature 100pix

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Hello friends! 40 feels good already! I’ve spent the week wearing my birthday boots, lighting a favorite candle and settling into a big, cozy chair where I’m happy to sit for hours savoring every word in this box full of letters.

And for the first time in a long time, I’ve had no words. What do you say in response to a stack of love poured out on you? How do you take in all that love at once? Well, you don’t. Which is why I’ve been quiet this week…sitting with my box of letters, reading slowly, and giving so much thanks for every sweet soul who participated in this glorious gift.


First, a huge thanks to my husband. He’ll tell you the box of letters wasn’t his idea {I’ve learned to ask for what I desire instead of hoping he’ll figure it out and feeling disappointed when he doesn’t}, but he did all the work to make it special. He hunted down the perfect box {an antique letter writing box which he miraculously scored the day before my birthday}, he searched for just the right paper, and gathered and printed all the letters. When he handed me the antique box, I was giddy at the sight of it! I think I squealed. I couldn’t have picked a better box in a million years!




And of course, what’s inside the box is the best part! To those who sent a letter: thank you from the deepest part of my heart. I’m savoring each letter as if it were the best piece of dark chocolate on the planet! But unlike chocolate, words last. And the beauty of letters is that you can re-read them as often as your heart desires. I couldn’t believe one of the letters I received: a copy of a note I wrote to a high school girl almost 20 years ago! She was one of my Young Life girls in a Bible study I led during my four years at Vanderbilt, and all these years later, she humbled me with words of her own. I thought of all the moms and mentors out there: you’re making an eternal difference in someone’s life today…even if you can’t see it yet!

IMG_0684PINITAnd then there were the letters from those who knew me as a much younger version of myself: family, my favorite high school teacher, camp friends, my first boss at Enron…. The history shared with each of these people means so very much, especially in my new town, where I don’t have much of a history. It’s so good to have people in our lives who can call out the wonder of who we’ve always been. 


And to those of you who wrote without ever having met me, I’m particularly touched by your brave and beautiful hearts! You wrote such life giving words, reaffirmed my gifts, and revealed the unseen impact that sharing my gifts has had in your life. What an encouragement you are to me! Your words reminded me that God has given each of us particular gifts, and when we bravely share them and walk in them, be it on a blog or in our own home, the impact is far greater than we could ever imagine. Be brave with your gifts! Someone else needs what you have to offer today!

And as if all those letters gathered together in an antique letter writing box weren’t enough, I received this incredible gift from my dad:


A real sword! Surely every Bravehearted Beauty needs a sword! As you know, I call my camera my sword, but deep down, I’ve envisioned a real, preferably antique and beautifully etched, sword. I’ve even checked ebay a time or two, but I wanted a story, not just an object. Little did I know, we had a sword in the family! Can you believe it?!?! When I discovered this at Christmas, my eyes teared up on the spot. My dad didn’t understand the tears or the significance in that moment, but he made a point to clean up the sword and send it my way.




It belonged to his father, Charles Finley Lewis. He received it as an Army officer upon graduation from Caltech back in 1928. On top of the stories of his brilliance, I’ve always been told he was on the front lines in World War II as an engineer responsible for designing and building needed bridges in Europe. {Did I get that story right, Dad?} He was serving in the war the day my dad was born, and he wasn’t alive the day I was born, but on my 40th birthday, I felt a deeper connection to his story…and to my own.

A sword with a story and letters to remind me of who I am. Could I be any more blessed?!?! Thank you, Lord. Thank you, family. Thank you, friends.

Wishing you so much goodness today,

Linsey signature 100pix



P.S. This year’s birthday was particularly redemptive and wonderful, but it’s been a fight to get to this place…to believe I’m worth celebrating and to allow myself to be celebrated. If you’re wondering whether you’re worth celebrating, last year’s birthday post might speak to your heart. {Hint: you ARE worth celebrating!}

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  • Gracia @ Gracious Offering - Linsey,
    What a sweet, caring, and loving husband you have! He listened and responded to your wish in such an awesome way. I’m sure those letters will be a treasure for years to come. I often save thoughtful notes and cards that my family (especially my boys who don’t always express their feelings often!) or friends have written and read them when I feel I need some encouragement and validation. May the 40’s be a decade full of love, adventure, and more beauty than you can imagine. Warmly, GraciaReplyCancel

  • Shirley@Housepitality Designs - When I read the letter that your husband wrote….a call for letters as you wanted for your birthday, I felt, yes, this is what it is all about…not the gifts and a store bought card with a signature attached…it’s about the people near and dear to your heart, the ones you have touched through your blog, your church, your mentoring … the ones who want to tell you how much you mean to them in their lives. I am so glad that you had a most memorable birthday and the antique letter box and the sword are truly gifts from the heart that you will treasure forever.ReplyCancel

  • paige - oh friend…what a priceless gift he gave you of rounding up all these special blessings. and what beautiful blessings they are indeed!
    i remember finley is in your family names too

    just beautiful
    and the boots! you KNOW i love those as well

    much love sweet oneReplyCancel

  • Amy - I love all the many ways you were celebrated. You are worth it, Linsey. You are a precious lady and friend. I love you.ReplyCancel

How crazy is it that I asked God for sunshine and snow on my 40th birthday…

and woke up to this?!?!


Sunshine AND snow on my 40th!PINIT


God knows how sunshine delights my heart, but sunshine and snow?!?! What a rare treat! If I didn’t receive another gift all day, this would’ve been more than enough. It felt like birthday glitter from heaven! And yes, it felt like it was just for me today! {Only God can do that: make it feel so personal even though many enjoy it all at once. Don’t you love it when He does that?}

Here are my favorites from this morning’s beauty hunt around the farm. I’m especially smitten with the “sheep in the snow” shots. I’ve been waiting for those all winter!

Sheep in the snow. IPINIT



























And just a few hours later…


I thought of you as I hunted for beauty in this morning’s sparkling light. I prayed that your heart might be delighted by beauty, too. Wherever you are, I know there’s a glimpse of “just for you” glory waiting to be found. Wishing you wonder and joy as you go hunting for it!

Much love,

Linsey signature 100pix

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  • Justine Lemmon - I knew there was a reason for that beautiful gift this morning, thank you, and a very Happy Birthday to you!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Joni - Linsey…..I love going on walks with you…..I see His Hand in every perfect picture you take…..thankyouSweetie…..your spirit is bright and I really enjoy your thoughts…. I live with my farmer on our farm….and I love every waking moment out in nature (ON THE FARM)……it’s Heaven On Earth for both you & I….I’m sure the workload is just a bit heavier here than it will be in Heaven though…..embrace your happy birthday everyday this year…I will keep celebrating You Linsey…


  • Shirley@Housepitality Designs - So happy that your prayers were answered and you had a glorious birthday!….A beautiful day for a beautiful person!…Happy Birthday!!ReplyCancel

  • shar y - Happy birthday and I wanted to tell you how amazing your photography is. I think you should do a book of your photos of the animals on the farm. And, for sure the snow pictures!

    Have a blessed day!ReplyCancel

  • Ann Roy - Happy Birthday. I very much enjoy your blog and your photos are so so wonderful!!! To me, your blog is like a prayer. Thank you very much. All the best to you and to your beautiful family.ReplyCancel

  • chrissi - the photos are just stunning. i love the snow. it looks like a wonderful way to spend your birthday!ReplyCancel

  • Rachelle - I loved the picture of the sheep in the snow!! The light and moment you captured are stunning!ReplyCancel

  • Swinging My Sword At Winter » Bravehearted Beauty - […] how many sheep in the snow photos does a girl need anyway? {Can you hear the cranky in my spirit? On my birthday, I was loving those sheep in the snow! Never mind that there was sunshine that […]ReplyCancel