Christmas Is For You

To the ones who are wondering…


To the lost and lonely…

To the wrecked and weary…

To the anxious and aching…

To the burdened and broken hearted…

To the hopeless and heartsick…

To the confused and conflicted…

To the desperate and discouraged…

To the messed up and misunderstood…


Christmas is for you. 

J O Y  is for you.

H O P E  is for you.

L O V E  is for you.

L I G H T  is for you.

L I F E  is for you.

C H R I S T  is for you.

So, come.

Come into Christmas just as you are.

Come into Christmas with all of your brave and beautiful heart.

Linsey signature 100pix


A new favorite candle: “Blue Spruce and Spearmint” from Sydney Hale Co.


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  • Krista - I love, love, love this message. My heart is rejoicing at the truth of what CHRISTmas truly means. Your words resonate deeply with me. Thank you for sharing His light on your blog! Wishing you & yours a very blessed & Merry CHRISTmas!ReplyCancel

  • Julie - Beautiful Linsey! I know it to my core. Yet, which of us don’t need to hear it again and again. Thank you, merry Christmas and happy new year! 🙂 Xo, ~julieReplyCancel