This is the day the Lord has made, and if you ask me, it’s one of the best days He’s made yet! Not only has sunshine replaced the snow, but our own radiant light is 12 years old today! I think we’re all made to shine in some way or another, but some seem to have a little extra sparkle from the get go. That’s our Laura Finley!


We call her our “sparkle and shine.” She couldn’t hide her God-given glory if she tried! One look into those bright blue eyes and you can see what God sees in all of His children. She shines like the stars in the sky! {Philippians 2:15}


And as if her God-given glory weren’t enough, she likes to add that extra flair through fashion, accessories, hairstyling, makeup…things her mama didn’t teach her. She’s a photo shoot waiting to happen most days, and while I still don’t let her walk out of the house in her “full glory,” I love the way she expresses herself and has discovered what she loves despite my weakness in her areas of strength. Isn’t it amazing how people are born with specific strengths and gifts?


You were made to sparkle and shine. Your radiance reflects the One who made you in the most glorious, fabulous way. But this world doesn’t always know what to do with your kind of glory. This world tells you to fit in, settle down, be more like someone else. It tells you to work harder and to climb this or that mountain when the truth is, you were made to move mountains! Look out, world, you have a mountain mover in your midst! She doesn’t fit in your box, follow your rules or stay inside your lines. She’s a Bravehearted Beauty who is meant to SHINE!


I love your kind of shine, Laura Finley. I love your zeal for life and the way you make everyday feel like a celebration. {I know you’d like to bake cupcakes from scratch every single day, and I hope you get to someday!} You have a fire burning inside of you, a passion and purpose all your own; and my hope and prayer is that no lie of the enemy, no scheme of man, and no obstacle or hardship in this world will dull your sparkle and shine.


This daughter of mine has been teaching me to fight for life since the day she was born. And on the days when I’m not feeling as fully alive as I’d like to, one look at her reminds me that abundant life is worth the fight. She is worth the fight.

I love you, my Sparkle and Shine daughter!





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  • paige - happy birthday laura finley
    one of the most beautiful young ladies i’ve ever seen

  • Jennifer Camp - Happy Birthday to your radiant and beautiful girl!ReplyCancel

  • Amy - Happy birthday beautiful one!ReplyCancel

  • Patti - Beautiful! Happy Birthday! Thank you for sharing God’s love.ReplyCancel

  • Amanda - Happy, happy, happiest of birthdays to your sweet daughter. May this new year shine as brightly as she does!!!ReplyCancel

I’m back with another winter revelation: February kicks my tail every time. It’s when I hit my winter wall and feel like the gray, wet blanket is just too oppressive to sit under any longer. It’s when I crave sunshine like most women crave chocolate, new shoes, redecorating…or whatever women crave. I’ve forgotten because I just need sun. It’s when no amount of vitamin D or even a trip to Mexico can fill the void. Seasonal Affect Disorder is for real y’all! And so is my need for a new season. Huge revelations, right?!?! I’m on a roll of brilliant discoveries these days!


Note to self: don’t make any major decisions in February. Don’t sell the farm and move back to Texas in February. Don’t give all your animals away and move to a perfectly manicured neighborhood. Don’t give up on the light just because you can’t see the sun. Just put your boots on and look for those daffodils to start popping! Because they will burst forth out of barrenness, just as sure as the sun will break through this low hanging gray sky.


You’d think that four Februaries at Vanderbilt would’ve prepared me for this part of our move. Even 20+ years ago, it was gray as all get out this time of year. Funny how you forget the hard parts. I like to think that’s God’s grace to us. {Kind of like the pain of childbirth. If you remembered it, you’d never do it again!} I remember dreaming of a transfer to the University of Texas every February…until my senior year when a Texas Aggie proposed on Valentine’s and made the sun shine on the dreariest of days. {Ha! Talk about a major decision made in February! I’d make that one again and again.}



When you live in Texas, March means full out spring. Azaleas, bright green live oaks, frozen margaritas and outdoor patios. So when March rolls around in Middle Tennessee, and you’re bracing for another winter storm, spring feels pretty far away. We all know spring is coming, just as we know the sun will rise. But it requires some serious faith to believe that all of creation is about to burst at the seams when you look out the window and see all the markings of winter. This is where you have to lean hard on faith: believing what you cannot see.



This is also when you have to fight to see beauty in barrenness. Sometimes that means bending low on the grayest of days…straining to see signs of new life. And then lean hard on faith again…believing that there are signs of new life in you, too. Even now…in places where you can’t quite feel it or see it fully. New life is springing up in you each day that you rise. Will you say yes to new life? Will you dare to believe that God is doing a new thing?



In the last few weeks of February, I fell a littler deeper into the winter pit than I’d like to admit. I felt sad and lonely more days than not. Too much alone time. But hey…if revelation and admission are half the battle, then I’m halfway out of the dark just by telling the truth! That’s worth celebrating, don’t you think? I think I’ll sit by the fire and have an Old Fashioned tonight just to honor the goodness of truth telling! This is where healing begins: with the truth.


The truth for me at this very moment is that I need to get out of my PJs and go connect with someone in real life. Too many days holed up in my winter shell…well, we know what that does. “It’s not good for man to be alone.” I think I’ll take God’s word for it today!

And as for the winter storm, I’m over it.

I’m looking for you, Spring! I will find you, Beauty!

Linsey signature 100pix



P.S. Need a redeeming song of winter beauty? This one is a gift.

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  • Shirley@Housepitality Designs - Even with the harsh and dreary winter, I would not trade your piece of paradise for a manicured lawn and the city streets. This winter has been a tough one, but when Spring comes we will appreciate it even more!…Beautiful photos!ReplyCancel

  • Tami - Your blog title says it all! Every year I think, ‘oh, I’ve pretty much made it through winter’ but then March hits and forget it – yes, it’s Spring on the 21st but I don’t register the winter/summer transition until mid May. SAD hangs on while I force myself to get thru an hour, a day, a week. And living in New England, especially this winter, I find myself completely exhausted! Cannot wait for the sunlight, warmth, colors and sounds of May. Hang in there!ReplyCancel

  • Mkoyle - love it!!!!ReplyCancel

  • Swinging My Sword At Winter » Bravehearted Beauty - […] know you’ve hit your winter wall when snowflakes lose their […]ReplyCancel

What’s a girl who doesn’t love winter to do when an ice storm hits? Get out in it and take as many photographs as possible. Beauty rescues my heart every time! So here you go, my friends: more winter beauty…and a fresh revelation after a week of ice-induced isolation.




As much as I prefer warm sunshine, the ice has a way of making the bare branches and dead grass look like treasures. Suddenly everything was adorned with icy diamonds and snowy pearls. My heart is always blown away by God’s capacity to create beauty out of barrenness. {He’s so dang good at it that I wonder why I dread the broken, barren places anymore.} But my greatest discovery during the ice storm was this: too much isolation causes your soul to shrivel.




And here is where I have to confess: the rest of this post has taken me forever to write. I usually write all in one sitting, but I’ve struggled to finish this one for days. I think it’s because I feel silly saying something so obvious.


But sometimes it takes introverted homebodies a long time to discover what extroverts have instinctively known their entire lives. It turns out, God was right: “It’s not good for man to be alone.” {Genesis 2:18} We really are designed to relate, connect, and live in community with others. And yet, if I’m honest, I often act as if that doesn’t apply to me because I’m an introvert…and a homebody. And you know, we need lots of alone time to recharge. But as soon as I say that, I hear God whisper the truth: alone time is meant as a recharge, not as a way of life. If you really want to find life, you’re going to have to trust that it’s not good to be alone for too long. 




It’s funny how you can read a thing, hear a thing, and even teach a thing for decades before it finally feels true. I’ve known for more than half my life that God designed us for relationship and community. I’ve even taught Bible study lessons about it…all while isolating and withdrawing on a regular basis. Perhaps that’s why I feel so ridiculous confessing that I’m just now discovering at a heart level what I’ve claimed to know all of these years on an intellectual level.


I wish I could confess my intellectual, theological pride to all those women I taught years ago. I wish I had told them the truth: that God says this thing is true, but that I’m doing that thing, and oh, how I need Jesus to break my heart wide open so that I can live the way He designed me to live! But I couldn’t do that then, because I was terrified of having my heart broken. I was so scared of pain and sadness and all those hard things, which is why I leaned so heavily on head knowledge. It felt like a safe fortress that would protect my heart from having to experience the pain of being broken.

But God…He knows His way around a fortress. And He broke right through to rescue His Bravehearted Beauty.


At the start of last week, being trapped at home with nowhere to go and no one to see sounded kind of dreamy. When city and school officials told us to stay home, I felt like they were speaking my language! But as the ice lingered and the days of isolation increased, I began to feel a surprising shift. I began to miss the life-giving connections that I’ve experienced through time spent in the presence of others. I noticed the difference in my spirit and finally agreed with God way down deep in my heart that I wasn’t made to be alone. Only the work of God could convince an introverted homebody of that truth in the place she loves best: her own home!


So let’s move out of our comfort zones today, Bravehearted Beauties, whatever they may be. Let’s fight for more life today!

With so much love,

Linsey signature 100pix



P.S. This feels almost too important to be a postscript. We all need real-life connection with others, but I’ve learned that it’s especially important for those who don’t pursue it naturally to consider scheduling it. Introverts {or those battling dark seasons of depression} may not have a strong desire to connect with others regularly, so it helps to have a few things on your calendar each week that require you to show up and be present with others. For me in this season, that’s counseling on Monday, a spiritual direction group on Wednesday, and a small group here at my house on Friday. Three places a week where I’m expected to show up. A year ago, I would’ve balked at that much “busyness.” I like empty calendars. {And depression likes empty calendars, too, because it thrives in isolation and withdrawal.} But here’s what I’ve found: showing up and connecting with your story in the presence of others BRINGS LIFE. It really does…to introverts, extroverts, and everyone in between! I hope knowing the way I’m fighting for life encourages you to find a way that works for you. Ask God to show you. He’d love to!

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  • Justine Lemmon - Oh this is so true to my heart, I learned the same lesson this past week, I’ve always thought of myself as an extreme introvert who even needs time away from my family. Linsey how did you make friends here as an introvert? I am finding it difficult to connect and break out of my comfort zone.ReplyCancel

    • Bravehearted Beauty - Justine, that’s a great question. I’ve made friends SLOWLY. And some who I thought would become better friends didn’t survive the extreme introversion that came with depression. And as much as I’d love to blame other people for not reaching out, the truth is, it’s up to me to fight for the connection I need. In some ways, I feel like I’m starting all over again this year with a commitment to do the HARD THING of showing up, reaching out, making sure that I have human interaction a few times each week. I’ve learned that it’s like a prescription medication for me. It can be a hard pill to swallow, but you have to force yourself out of your comfort zone on a regular basis. And give yourself grace when you just can’t do it on certain days. Blessings to you as you fight for life with others!ReplyCancel

  • Ashley - Thank you so much for your braveness in writing. Your writing is quite relatable and has been like a voice of truth speaking to some of my personal challenges. I look forward to each new post. You are a wonderful spirit.ReplyCancel

    • Bravehearted Beauty - Thank you, Ashley. Knowing there are REAL people like you on the other side of this computer screen who are every bit as desperate for truth as I am makes it easier to be brave with my writing. Thank YOU for being here with me!ReplyCancel

  • Roberta - This has spoken to my heart today. It is very easy for me to isolate and be in the presence of God in my little home on our comfy couch or on the computer posting pictures. It feels safe. Thank you for your transparency.ReplyCancel

  • Christi - I love this, Linsey. I am also an introvert and love nothing more than quietness on my couch or under my comforter. While I am around people all day at my office, I am mostly pouring into them, and getting small doses of encouragement or strength in return. I don’t have much time or energy for recharging friendships. I think it would be good for me to put those on the calendar like you said. Too much time goes by between the time I spend with a friend.

    Don’t worry, you don’t need to go back and correct anything! You’ve always been real, just in a different place in your journey then compared to now, pilgrim. We’re all in process and thank God, we are all growing closer to Him. But you’ve always been faithfully seeking Him and honoring Him with your life. Love you!ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer - As always…..wise, insightful, honest, compelling, and challenging. You have a gift. Thanks for sharing it. Praying your heart is sunny and warm this winter. You deserve it. God bless you. The pictures are beautiful.ReplyCancel

  • Barbara - Just this week, I have been struggling with the thought of having to ‘come out of my shell’. Not for my benefit, but for someone else – a lady I barely know, but through circumstances has ended up staying in a small room on her own – if someone does not go and knock on her door, she would never open it.

    For me the thought of approaching someone, never mind knocking on their door and inviting myself in is quite unnerving. Your post has come at the right time. I know I need to be with others occasionally or I do fall into that bottomless dark pit that I struggle to climb out of again. And yes, I know its what my friend needs too – but I guess you have highlighted the importance of moving out of my comfort zone – to help someone else. To be the person God wants me to be.

    I guess I am going to get uncomfortable for a while 😉ReplyCancel

Hello Bravehearted Beauties! I never like to waste too much time talking about the weather, but WOW has it been crazy around here! A week of snow and ice, followed by sleet and slush. We made the best of our six days at home with sledding, wood burning fires and beauty hunting, but I think we’re all looking forward to returning to the regularly scheduled program this week. And it’s a good thing, because we’re about out of firewood!

Here are my favorite people and animals enjoying the snow. {You might notice the chickens never left the barn!}



















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The snow, ice and crazy cold didn’t phase these guys; their winter coats are plenty warm! Stay tuned for MORE winter beauty tomorrow. Frozen trees, branches and blades of grass. When you’re trapped by ice for six days straight, you’ve got to do something that brings life!

Happy Monday!

Linsey signature 100pix




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This is a week Middle Tennessee will remember for a LONG time! We’ve been covered in a lot of ice and a little snow all week. The girls have been out of school, JD has been home, and we’ve made the very best of this crazy weather!  I’ve bundled up for beauty hunting and will share those photos soon, but today…


…we’re interrupting this crazy snow week to celebrate the man who keeps this farm running! John David Hasenbank, YOU ARE AMAZING! You’re the farmboy, the gourmet chef, the animal whisperer, the bush hogger, the tree trimmer, the coop builder, the fire builder, the log chopper, the dreamer, the visionary, the make things happen guy, and so much more.


You are both incredibly strong and increasingly tender hearted. {Two qualities I admire together more than you know.} You are the reason we chased our dream and the reason why we haven’t given up through all the hard, messy, no clue what we’re doing days. You are the first to ask forgiveness in our family, and the first to melt and comfort us with a big bear hug.


You’ve humbly submitted yourself to more help in the last few years than most men do in a lifetime. I’m so proud of you for unpacking your story and for learning that new ways of relating and reacting are always possible. You are one of the bravest men I know. Make that, one of the bravest people I know. You’ve led our family into a whole new level of healing and freedom and have shown us that there is more beauty in brokenness than we ever could’ve imagined! {You’ve never let the brokenness steal the beauty.}


Life hurts sometimes, and it feels like you’ve experienced more than your fair share. {Though I’ve never once heard you complain.} BUT GOD…He is redeeming every broken place into the most beautiful, new story! You’re a walking miracle, a fighter, a servant, a leader, a follower, a healer, an encourager, an overcomer! Your life gives your Heavenly Father so much glory! Your hope, your faith, the way you seek Him, listen to Him and trust Him, the time you spend with Him, the way you want to give Him all the glory…YOU ARE A GOOD SON! {Your Heavenly Father says so!}


We’ve had our hard seasons together…especially since moving. But I’ve always known that the man who asked me to marry him in such a sweet and thoughtful way 18 years ago had so much more in him than he could see…and even more than I could see. BUT GOD…He has seen you all along. He has seen who you really are, Braveheart. And He LOVES who you are!

Happy Birthday to the one I respect and admire.*

Linsey signature 100pix



* Did you know this is what a man really wants to hear? Even more than I love you? I had no idea until I read Love and Respect. An eye opener for sure!

P.S. We’re in the middle of what we call “The Birthday Season” in our family. All of ours are very close together, which means we’ve hardly finished celebrating one before it’s time to move on to another. But one thing I love about the way we do birthdays is how special we make each person feel, and everyone pitches in. It’s going to be a great night…snow, ice, single digits and all!




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  • Amy - Happy Birthday to your sweet husband. What a wonderful post you shared in honor of him. I loved, truly loved, reading your life giving words. My friend, you speak into my heart. Do you realize that? I love you.ReplyCancel

  • adrienne - Beautiful post!!!ReplyCancel

  • Lulu - A good husband, a good father, a good son-in-law….JD is all of those things and we are lucky to have him as part of our family. What are those cute little chocolates LF is making?ReplyCancel

  • chrissi - happy birthday! what a lovely tribute to your sweet man. you two complete each other.ReplyCancel

  • Amy E - Happy Birthday to your wonderful helpmate! What an amazing post…it prompted some tears from me, as it reminds me of how I feel for my own hubby. And that second image, of your big burly husband, loving on his big burly dog, and him loving back…it says everything!ReplyCancel

  • Sandy - What a beautiful post. Wishing all good things for J.D., you and your family. Have a lovely celebration!ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer - What a lovely post. Happy Birthday to him!ReplyCancel

  • beverly - Moving to Tennesse has been life-changing for our family too which makes me a little sad that I wasn’t too happy about my husband’s career move at the time. Little did either of us know that a change of address was God’s plan for us to have a change of hearts also. We can see that very clearly now.
    Blessings to you and your family.ReplyCancel

    • Bravehearted Beauty - I’m with you! Didn’t imagine that a change of address would lead to a change of heart. I just thought we were chasing a dream and off to live a happy life on a farm! But God…He’s always up to so much more than we can ask or imagine!ReplyCancel