Hello Bravehearted Beauties! Today is a step-outside-your-comfort-zone and do-something-brave kind of day. It doesn’t have to be a drastic, jumping off a cliff kind of brave. Any little push through your fear counts!


Today, I have an idea. It’s not a new idea, but it’s the first day I’ve had the courage and follow through to share it. {Follow through isn’t my strength. But when God keeps nudging you, it’s hard to ignore.}

An invitation for the “new girl” in Franklin/Nashville:

And takeaways for the rest of you {shared at the end of the video}:

  1. Bravery isn’t the absence of fear. It’s actually stepping into something when the fear is right there. So, BE BRAVE and do your thing!
  2. We can still show up for life even when we don’t think we have much to offer. The truth is, when you show up as you, you have AMAZING things to offer. Just by being you!

When I wrote about chasing our dream and moving to Franklin in 2012, I never imagined my raw heart would land at the top of a Google search. Since that post, I feel like the unofficial welcoming committee for women who are dreaming about or planning a move to Franklin. Talk about an unexpected role! A savvy business woman might have capitalized on that position, but that’s not my heart.

My heart goes out to the new girl. I can’t possibly meet all of the new girls on my own, but I can do this one thing God keeps putting on my heart: gather the new girls and allow them to connect with each together over coffee in charming Downtown Franklin.

So…if you’re new and want to meet some other new girls, send me an email. If you’re an introvert, and this idea terrifies you, send me an email. If you aren’t new, but still feel new or have a heart for the new girl, send me an email. And if you don’t live here at all, but have something to say, feel free to send me an email! {You can do that via my “connect” page.}

To all things brave and beautiful,


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  • Stacey - Linsey, I think your idea is wonderful! We recently left the area after moving to Franklin from Florida. Being the new girl was so difficult and I would have loved this opportunity. I will pray for your meeting today and encourage you to continue in stepping in faith where God is leading you!ReplyCancel

  • Kelly George - This “new girl” all the way from Texas to Tn is all in! I love how you follow the promtings of the Holy Spirit! You are brave! 😉ReplyCancel

  • cynthia - I’ve been in MI for 5 years and still feel like the new girl. My quest for other “new girls” led me to ESL ministry at my church. I’m thankful for that, but still yearn for the “coffee time’ that you are trying to create. Thankful that you are following the Spirit’s guidance. He will show up! Women have a way of connecting once they have been brought together. I love that about us!!!!ReplyCancel

Hello Bravehearted Beauties! You are closer to my heart than you know today. As the snow melts on this Monday after my 41st birthday, I’m sitting in a cozy chair with a cup of tea re-reading my box of 40th birthday letters. Talk about a gift that keeps on giving! It may take me a lifetime to absorb all the kindness and love in this one box.


As I grow in my ability to receive love and believe the truth about who I am, I’ve learned that re-reading or even asking a loved one to repeat life-giving words is so helpful. And you know who is especially fond of repeating and declaring his love to you? You guessed it: God. He never tires of making His delight and affection known. What a relief for those of us who need an abundant overflow in hopes that some of it will soak down deep and stay.



So what is it I’m here to say on my day after birthday? At first, I thought I would ask you how you feel about your own birthday and remind you how worthy you are of celebrating. But as I sit here for a quiet moment, I sense I’m here for another reason. And I think it has something to do with feeling like my 40th year wasn’t what I thought it would be. It was much, much harder.



I entered into 2015 saying YES to more. I felt brave about a new year. I was looking forward to turning 40. And finally, I don’t know that I shared this on the blog, but the words I heard God speak over me last year were joy and playfulness.

All of that sounds like a recipe for a really great year. I was hopeful and expectant. I put my Bravehearted Beauty boots on, raised my sword, and embraced a new year of life with my heart wide open. Ouch. It can really hurt to live with your heart wide open, but even now, I can honestly say, I don’t want to approach life any other way. Because you can only know as much beauty as you know brokenness. I’m more convinced of that now than ever.



So 40 wasn’t the wilderness-to-promised-land year that I thought it would be. Not even close. It was the year that a broken ankle cracked open a vault of old trauma and left me totally incapable of ignoring what was buried inside. The unearthing of all that trauma was far more painful than a broken bone. And then there was my husband’s run-in with PTSD…also rooted in old trauma. His childhood stories were mostly known to me, but the intense, unexpected reactions that he was having decades later were unlike anything either of us had ever known.



Now try to imagine how all this run-in with old trauma played out in our marriage. We were like fully exposed hot wires that sparked at even the slightest touch. Actually, that’s putting it mildly. Some days, it was more like a war zone with hidden landmines that exploded with every misstep. And there were lots of missteps. We couldn’t keep the peace if we tried. All we could do was react and self-protect. There were days when marriage went from being a whole lot of hard with hope…to a whole lot of hard without hope. On those dark days, I asked others to hope for me. {There’s nothing wrong with asking others to hold onto hope when you feel like you can’t. Even Moses had to have his arms held up in times of intense, ongoing battle.}

Here’s the good news: we survived. And though it’s come at a cost, we’re on a journey to healing and living more fully in our present than in our past. Someday when things aren’t so fresh and raw, I hope to share more about our healing journey. I never imagined I’d become so passionate about healing, but often our passions choose us. I’m even beginning to believe that it’s out of our greatest woundings that our greatest callings rise.


So why on earth did I want to tell you how hard my 40th year was? Why not just toss that one aside and move quietly into 41? Because life doesn’t work that way. Our lives are a continuous story, and there’s no such thing as a missing segment, no matter how much wish you could block it out. And there’s no such thing as unhealable, irredeemable segments. Oh, there are painful, unwanted, undeserved and even evil segments. Ones we wish we could remove or rewrite. But even the darkest segments of our stories can give way to unimaginable beauty.{Remember Joseph’s story: what was meant for evil, God will use for good.}


And there’s another reason I wanted to let you know how hard 40 was: because it was the very opposite of what I hoped or expected. And when the life’s hard appears to be in stark contrast to God’s promises, we can feel betrayed. And when we feel betrayed, we can shut down our hearts and refuse to open them back up to the goodness and hope that is still very much for us. I don’t want that. And I don’t think you do either.


So when things are hard, are we foolish to hope again? When life hurts, are we crazy to believe that joy is still for us? Should we hope less, expect less, believe less? No, I don’t think so. I think this is exactly where Bravehearted Beauties dare to hope, expect and believe even more. WE ARE BRAVE! We open our hearts wide and dare to hope in things not yet seen!



And even if your heart doesn’t feel very brave or wide open today, there’s something you need to know about God’s heart. He is the God of MORE. And not just more in the ways that we expect or understand, but immeasurably, exceedingly, abundantly more than ALL we can ask or imagine! {Ephesians 3:20 is one of my favorite declarations.} He’s not the God of hold back, dial it down, ask for less and expect less. He’s the God of MORE, and His more is FOR YOU.

So as I enter my 41st year, I’m daring to believe in the MORE. I’m risking living with my heart wide open and saying YES to more all over again. Not just for myself, but for you, too!

With all of my brave and beautiful heart,

P.S. Valuable healing resources: (1) The Body Keeps The Score. I affectionately call it the “Trauma Bible.” Dr. Van der Kolk’s research and expertise is mind blowing, eye opening, heart engaging and hopeful. (2) Emotional Geographic. Gretchen is an excellent writer, trauma survivor and PhD. She puts words to things that few can. (3) Ransomed Heart. Treasure upon treasure is available to you here, trauma or no trauma. I’m super passionate and excited about their upcoming conference: Restoration of the Heart. Which leads me to: (4) Dan AllenderHis work spans decades and his teaching is renowned. He engages story on a deeper level than anyone I’ve encountered and reminds me why our stories matter. He’ll be teaching with John Eldredge at the Restoration of the Heart conference. Talk about power packed! Can’t wait. (5) Good counselors. If you’re healing from trauma, you need a counselor who specializes in trauma. {They are usually trauma survivors themselves.}


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  • Gracia @ Gracious Offering - Linsey, I opened Facebook this morning to wish a friend a quick Happy Birthday before I dove into my devotional time, but your post caught my eye. As I read your words, I knew that God had just given me the hope and encouragement I needed for this day, this time in my life. Yes, life has been “hard in stark contrast toGod’s promises.” Holding onto hope is a daily battle and God’s word and words like yours are life giving. So thank you. I know it is not easy to be open and vulnerable in a public forum, but you are BRAVE! With love, GraciaReplyCancel

  • Ardith - This is an important post, Linsey, for you, and for others. While our minds work to compartmentalize, even bury trauma, our bodies store the memories in a very visceral manner. It’s as though the true emotional reactions we have to trauma are redistributed to either specific areas or throughout our entire bodies. These become toxins that can later endanger our well-being in any manner of ways. That is one of many reasons why it is important to confront the resulting emotions of a trauma as soon as possible—certainly as soon as we are aware of the trauma. Thank you so much for sharing your personal experience and recommendations.ReplyCancel

  • Sherry - Beautiful words. Thank you! And…..I could just eat up that sweet puppy dog! He is gorgeous and I love him!ReplyCancel

  • Dianne - I admire your bravery and strength as you go through all of this. However, I cannot help but wonder how it has affected your lovely girls. Are they aware? Has it made them stronger? Has it wounded them?ReplyCancel

  • Eleanor - Linsey,
    Your words. So many things I want to say…my heart is bursting with so much.
    We just moved to Franklin from the East Coast chasing a dream God put in our hearts quite some time ago. Things have not unfolded as smoothly as we anticipated and 2015 was a bit of a rollercoaster for us too.
    But his goodness always shines through and your words today have reminded me of just that.

  • Krista - God is so good & faithful. He brings healing & restoration to our lives in his timing & infinite wisdom . Having said that, your sharing here is purposeful. I needed this encouragement right now in my life. I love how you said that on days when you didn’t feel hope, you asked others to hope for you! Like you, I have been going through a season. I want to grow closer & be in deeper relationship with the Lord. I know he’s taking me through some painful things, but my hope is that one day I can share a great testimony. Thank you for being honest & transparent here. I know that it’s not easy sharing & being vulnerable with others. Yet, God is gracious, loving & kind. He is using you & your story to give others, like me, hope & encouragement.ReplyCancel

  • katrina - how do we know if it is trauma?ReplyCancel

  • Kelly - I would love to hear more, (that you are comfortable in sharing, of course)about your experience with ptsd. My 18 year old daughter is facing this after a concussion and bullying, following a cheer stunt fall. So much healing needed, and I am interested in all help I can find or provide. Thank you for your vulnerability and honesty. Praying this year is full of joy abundant!ReplyCancel

  • The Beauty of a Broken Heart » Bravehearted Beauty - […] beauty. How do I know this is coming for you? Because I’m standing on the other side of the most broken down year of my life, and the beauty is […]ReplyCancel

Hello, Bravehearted Beauties! It’s a snow day in Tennessee! School was cancelled {hooray!}, so we slept in and woke up to so much more than we imagined!




I gasped as I opened the shutters and looked out over the pasture toward the pond. It looks like our farm is nestled in its very own snow globe! I became slightly obsessed with the slowmo video feature on my phone. First time to use it. Very snow globe-ish!

Soft, powdery flakes have been falling all day, so the view keeps changing, but I couldn’t resist sharing a little beauty from the first half of the day. I haven’t taken this many photos since I broke my ankle in July. It felt really good to wield my sword and do some beauty hunting!







I love how today’s photos look like black and whites with a touch of color tinting. God is an incredible artist, that’s for sure! No photoshop or filters needed to enhance what He creates.







Our sleds cracked last year, and maybe this is a mom fail, but I didn’t think to get new ones. Oops! But snow is snow…and super fun for my Texas-turned-Tennessee girls!






The only thing missing from these photos are the sheep. Oh, how I love sheep in the snow! And more sheep in the snow! Sometimes I feel sad that we don’t have them anymore, but there’s only so much we farmgirls can handle. {I don’t think I’ve told you that right after I broke my ankle, we sent our sheep back to the breeder. Long story short: having two 150-pound hoofed animals jump on your petite daughter while she feeds the chickens every day isn’t awesome. We hope to raise a pair of lambs for the breeder in the spring…then send them back when they’re full grown.}


Here’s to hunting for beauty wherever you are today!



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  • Julie - Breathtaking photos Linsey! Wow! God is an amazing artist. I wish we had more snow here this year, but am grateful the sun came out today. Looks like you all had a fun snow day! I would love to hear more about your sheep since we’ve dreamed of having them. We don’t have the bandwidth right now but they are just so stinking cute, I would love them some day. It’s funny though, some animals don’t pan out the way you think they will. Your poor daughter! 🙂ReplyCancel

    • Bravehearted Beauty - I’ve been meaning to share the sheep news for months. I really do miss their cuteness from afar, but up close, they were a mess. And a lot more high maintenance than I expected. The barn started to feel too chaotic. I have a post that’s been stirring in my mind for over a year: when God calls us sheep, it’s not a compliment!ReplyCancel

  • Gracia @ Gracious Offering - Simply beautiful photos, Linsey! Love to see your farm through your eyes. And your girls just get lovelier… Have a wonderful, snowy weekend!ReplyCancel

  • Ashley - Stunning beauty! Thanks for sharing.ReplyCancel

  • Stacey - Linsey, These pictures are so amazing and thank you for sharing! God has truly blessed you with such amazing beauty there on the farm. Not only in nature but, in your family. Enjoy the beauty and keep on sharing.ReplyCancel

Hello Bravehearted Beauties! I’m in rare form today and decided to record a video! It’s been a long time since I’ve been this kind of brave. Maybe the chemicals from today’s highlight went to my head! {Yep, I recorded on a salon day. If you prefer non-salon hair, I’ve got the opposite of that in this video.} This isn’t a post about highlights, but I will say this: I’ve finally learned to embrace my chemical addiction. I’ve gone all natural in every other department, but sunshiny blonde feels like the real me…even after 18 years of “faking it” with some highlights. Go figure!

So here’s what I’ve got for you today: two new things I’m up to as of this week.

(1) Instagram. I’m always late to the party…if I show up at all! After holding off for various reasons, I decided to see what it’s all about. As a beauty hunter, I’m pretty sure I’ll enjoy a quick place to share some photos. But here’s what I didn’t expect: sharing doodles from this morning’s Scripture reading!

psalm 31PINIT

I’ve been doodling words since I was a young girl. It’s how I stayed focused and attentive in school…and later in church. It’s one of the passions that inspired me to start designing custom Christmas cards 12 years ago. {I just “retired,” but will design a little stationery for an Etsy shop with my daughters…opening soon I hope.} When words pop in my mind or spirit, I like to write them in a distinctive way. So who knows…maybe I’ll share more of that now that I’m on Instagram.

(2) Living Brave Semester with Brené Brown. Need I say more? Her work is amazing, and a course called “Living Brave” sounds like a no-brainer for a Bravehearted Beauty. I know it’s going to be good, but I confess I’m feeling a little out of my element and have some fear of being a slacker/failure. But brave is who God says I am, so here I go!


{I’m better at getting all situated and organized than actually starting!}

I’m thinking the timing for this course is just right considering what God has spoken about being a truth teller and brave with my story. {Touched on that last week.} The hardest part is starting. And since it’s Wednesday night and I haven’t started this week’s homework, I think I’ll jump off the blog and do some Living Brave work.

Here’s today’s video…all 12 chatty minutes!

{Email subscribers will need to visit the blog to view.}

Here’s to living B R A V E!

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  • Lisa - Welcome to Instagram from a longtime Houston follower. I even came to a tag sale at your beautiful home before you moved! Have always loved your photography and look forward to following you on IG now.

    I joined IG about a year ago when my youngest set up an account for me! My kids are (15, 19, 23). It has been fun to follow them and some of their friends to see what they are up to. I have also enjoyed following some of my favorite bloggers too.

    Happy New Year to you!ReplyCancel

  • Janis Stufflebean - Your video was great! You sounded like you were in a better ‘season’. Hopefully, this will continue as your journey unfolds!

Hello 2016. Here we are, ready or not!

How are you feeling about a new year, Bravehearted Beauties? Are you fired up and ready for a reset? Are you clearing out Christmas and reorganizing your home? Are you off and running with a new exercise or eating plan? Or are you more like me…still trying to recover from 2015 and entering into 2016 slowly?

I’m more of a “not ready” girl when it comes to the new year. If ever I’m excited and ready for a new year, it feels like a minor miracle! That’s what I called it in January 2013. I guess the massive change of moving from my hometown of Houston to a small farm in Franklin made me feel like I could tackle anything. {Little did I know that my first winter depression was right around the corner. Humbling to say the least.}


Here’s what I sense we need to know today: whatever your heart feels as you enter this new year, it’s okay. Whatever you’re feeling in this very moment, ready or not ready, is worth noting and honoring. There’s no right or wrong way to enter into 2016. Social media, magazines, motivational speakers and plenty of other writers will tell you there’s a right way to make 2016 your best year yet. But the truth is…there isn’t. There is no one right way.


But there is a way that’s best for you…the wildly wonderful, brave and beautiful, one-of-a-kind you.

So how do we determine what that way is? I don’t think it’s by making resolutions. At least not right off the bat. There’s something powerful we need before we make resolutions. Something we need more than resolutions.

We need revelation.

We need to hear from the One who made us. How, you ask? Does God even speak anymore? Some bright-minded theologians will argue He doesn’t. I believed them for years. Until I just couldn’t reconcile this one thing intellectually, spiritually or emotionally: what kind of God desires intimate relationship but refuses to speak to you? What kind of intimacy is that? And what about all that God says in His very own Word about hearing his voice?

I decided to give God a chance to speak. To give listening a try. And let me tell you: God still speaks. Through His word, creation, quiet whispers, friends, beauty, music, movies…He’s insanely creative. And He’s definitely still in the revelation business!

So before we race into the new year making resolutions we can’t keep, why not ask God what He wants to reveal? What does He have for you? What is His best for you? What word or words does He want to speak over your year? What purpose? What priorities? What calling?

There’s no pressure here. You don’t have a limited time slot or a now-or-never chance with God. He’s wide open and waiting. And He’ll generally speak anytime you’re willing and ready to listen. Sometimes what He has to say comes like a flood…sometimes it comes in bits and pieces over time. Sometimes you hear Him loud and clear…sometimes you need confirmation through the God’s Word and others…sometimes you feel like a total failure in the listening department.


Listening for God’s voice over my own internal chatter and head knowledge was hard for me. It took faith and practice. And still does. I can get rusty and lean more heavily on my head knowledge or others’ opinions…forgetting I can ask God. If this is all new to you, here’s the first step: dare to believe He speaks and dare to believe He speaks to you. Hearing from God isn’t just for some people.

I’m just getting started on the process of asking God what He wants to reveal to me for 2016. I want to be open to hearing each day, but here’s what I’m sensing now and am asking Him more about:

  • HOPE…especially when things look hopeless
  • be a truth teller {still battling some fear here}
  • write my story {feels overwhelming, but he insists this will be healing}
  • invest in people {a repeat from past years}
  • offer inner healing prayer {no clue how to go about that}
  • guard against isolation {it feeds depression}
  • care for my body {a broken ankle and the unrelated trauma it unearthed took a toll}

This may look like a list of resolutions, but it all starts with revelation. Not my list of self-imposed improvements, but God’s revelation about what is most healing, helpful and central to my purpose and calling this year. It’s all about what will bring me the most life and God the most glory. To know more about what each of these things will look like throughout the year, I need a regular check-in with God. One thing I love about listening prayer is that it keeps me going back to God day after day, which feels like real relationship vs. intellectual pursuit or going through the religious motions. It’s been life changing for me.

I’d love to hear what words, themes and revelations you’re hearing over your year. Leave a comment below or send me an email anytime. And if you’re not hearing anything, just keep setting aside time to listen. It will come.

Blessings to you in 2016, brave and beautiful ones!

Linsey signature 100pix



P.S. Hearing God by Dallas Willard is a great resource for those who want to explore hearing God’s voice. And a resource that has been especially helpful to me: Ransomed Heart Ministries. The free weekly podcasts are great. John’s newest book, Moving Mountains, is amazing! You can pre-order here.


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  • Becky Mullowney - Linsey, thank you for this wonderful post. I am so in “that” place…ready to run in the new year, but still in the starting gate waiting for it to open. I can’t run any direction w/o clear direction from our Lord. And, so I wait…trusting the revelation will come in His perfect timing.
    Blessings to you and yours in this new year, Becky M.ReplyCancel

    • Bravehearted Beauty - While I can’t relate to the “ready to run” feeling in the new year, I’ve definitely done that so often in life. I just take off without pausing to ask God if He’s in it…or what the best next step would be. SO much better when I sit with Him first…and stay with Him as I move forward. Blessings on your new year!ReplyCancel

  • Gracia @ Gracious Offering - Linsey, what wise words. I tend to feel a little pressure to come up with new goals/resolutions at the start of each new year. I love your idea of praying, listening, seeking what God would have us aspire to in the New Year. And yes, so totally agree that a God still speaks to us individually in a myriad of ways. I have to remind myself that He often whispers, not shouts. Will check out the resources you mentioned. Thank you for your faithfulness to write and tell your story. Warmly, GraciaReplyCancel

    • Bravehearted Beauty - Your comment reminds me of a story I love in 1 Kings: “Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.”ReplyCancel

  • Kelly George - I just love how God uses you and you allow God to use you!
    I believe my word from him to me for 2016 is
    I’ve been here in franklin tn for 6 months and just not “feeling” it. Love the people love the beauty but ya know it’s not “home”
    So I find myself trying to keep changing things… And it was like God said “Kelly you need to be content with where I have you!”
    Seriously! Couldn’t he have given me something easier;)
    So on this journey I go to be content and “try” to make Tn my home and try and get out there to make friends.
    Thanks again for sharing!ReplyCancel

    • Bravehearted Beauty - Oh, Kelly, being the new girl was SO hard for me. Sometimes I still feel new. Here’s my new girl post on the old blog in case you want to read it: http://www.llhdesignsblog.com/2012/09/the-new-girl.html

      I haven’t found my groove here yet…even after 3 1/2 years, but I know this is where we’re called to be and that makes me feel peace deep down. That’s what makes it feel like home. And I love the beauty here! That helps for sure! Some people make new friends easily and quickly. I’m not one of those people. We have to give ourselves time and grace. And be VERY BRAVE. You already are just for coming here and for reaching out!ReplyCancel

  • Melissa Vines - Your blog has been such a blessing to me since discovering it and I look forward to every new post. Thank you for sharing your heart and soul with us. And I absolutely agree that God’s voice is alive and clear for those of us that seek it. Last Summer I asked God to speak a word over me for this current season of life and He said “rest”. At the time I almost laughed thinking how can He possibly expect me to rest as a homeschooling mom with young children and a business. Shortly after I found out I was pregnant and became sicker than I’ve ever been in my life. I spent about 4 months almost entirely on bed rest and while I struggled physically I felt mentally capable to handle it b/c I knew God was with me through it all wanting me to rest in Him.
    p.s. I was your neighbor at the city farmhouse barnshow. 🙂ReplyCancel

    • Bravehearted Beauty - Hi Melissa! So appreciate your encouraging words. Amazing how God spoke REST over you right before that forced season of rest. WOW. I love how He does that. I’ve heard others say they thought the word God spoke was crazy or that they were hearing wrong…only to learn later in the year like you did that it was EXACTLY what was needed. Amazing! I want to hear God more…to listen and ask Him more. It’s the BEST!

      So glad you’re reading along. Thanks for leaving a comment today. And for reminding me that we were neighbors at that first City Farmhouse show. That was a one-time gig for me. Way out of my comfort zone!ReplyCancel

  • Bravely Believing and Desiring MORE » Bravehearted Beauty - […] forward to turning 40. And finally, I don’t know that I shared this on the blog, but the words I heard God speak over me last year were joy and […]ReplyCancel